+971 50 180 1875 info@kaydeesolutions.com

UVC air disinfection systems are widely used in food processing companies – they increase hygiene and thus food and occupational safety by disinfecting the room air using UV radiation. Especially in rooms with low convection or in those in which a direct emission must be avoided, the ambient air disinfection systems improve the production conditions through continuous air disinfection.

Studies show that “the high UV susceptibility of coronavirus aerosols suggests that UV air disinfection may be an effective tool for preventing important respiratory viral diseases such as SARS.”¹ The environmentally friendly UVC systems prevent the ongoing spread of viruses, spores and bacteria.

In addition to applications in food processing, UVC air disinfection systems can also be used in laboratories or in general in ventilation systems for company buildings.
We would be happy to advise you with further information – contact us at dan@kaydee.lordsolutions.com – for details.

¹ Walker, Chris & Ko, Gwangpyo. (2007). Effect of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation on Viral Aerosols. Environmental science & technology. 41. 5460-5. 10.1021/es070056u.